Defraying Printing Costs

Defraying Printing Costs for Posters

The PVARF will cover poster printing costs for VA investigators presenting primary research data at scientific meetings. To be eligible, the data to be presented must be from an R&D approved project and the PI must submit a completed PDF of the poster to the R&D Office using the form found here at least 7 business days prior to meeting departure. The poster must acknowledge VA research support and VA employment according to the following: 


Acknowledgement of VA Research Support. 

“This material is based upon work supported (or supported in part) by the Office of Research and Development (add as applicable Medical Research Service, Rehabilitation R&D Service, Health Services R&D Service, or Cooperative Studies Program), Department of Veterans Affairs.” 

If VA provided no direct research funding, but the research involved the use of other VA resources, e.g., facilities or patients, publications or presentations must contain a similar acknowledgement. For example, “This material is the result of work supported with resources and the use of facilities at the (name and location of VA medical center).” 

Acknowledgement of VA Employment. Authors of posters must acknowledge their employment using the following format: “VA Title, VA Service, Department of Veterans Affairs Medical Center, [City], [State].” 

When the author also holds a faculty appointment, the academic title and school also may be acknowledged. 

When the Principal Investigator (PI) has a 5/8ths or more VA appointment, VA must be named first, regardless whether VA is the primary source of funding or where the funds are administered.