Jennifer L. Barton
Jennifer L. Barton, MD, MCR, is the Rheumatology Section Chief at the VA Portland Health Care System and Associate Professor of Medicine at Oregon Health & Science University. Her research focuses on patient-clinician communication and the rheumatic diseases. She is co-lead of the VISN 20 VA Rheumatology ECHO which began in 2019.
Dr. Barton received an NIH K23 award to study patient-clinician concordance around goals for treatment of rheumatoid arthritis. She completed fellowship at University of California, San Francisco, and was an assistant professor at UCSF, where she received a career development award from the American College of Rheumatology. She has conducted research on disparities in utilization and outcomes in rheumatoid arthritis (RA), and led the development of a low literacy medication summary guide and decision aid tool for vulnerable populations with RA. With funding from the Gerlinger Endowment, Dr. Barton has updated the RA medication summary guide and decision aid which will be further evaluated in a VA population as part of her VA HSRD Merit Award (IIR 20-162), “Implementation of shared decision making in rheumatoid arthritis: A stepped wedge, cluster-randomized trial.