Accounting Forms
Accounting Policies & Procedures
- Accounting: Purchases & Expenditures
- Income Statements
- Defraying Printing Costs
- Delinquent Accounts
- PVARF Crowd Funding Policy
- Reporting Improper Activity
- Source & Management of Funds
- Transfer of Funds and/or Equipment
- Travel Policy
- Special Foundation Programs
- Study Closeout
- Conflict of Interest
- Project Approval
- Residual Research & Education Funds Policy
Project Approval
All research projects must receive approval by all applicable committees/subcommittees prior to any funds being expended by the PVARF. Such committees and subcommittees may include the Research & Development Committee, Institutional Review Board for Human Subjects (IRB), Institutional Animal Care & Use Committee (IACUC), and/or Subcommittee on Research Safety (SRS).In order to open a project at the PVARF, a PI must complete a New Account Request form and submit it to the Executive Director (ED). The New Account Request form identifies all individuals who have signature authority for requesting disbursements from the account. It also allows the PI to specify the research activities that will be supported by the account. The ED will forward the Account Request form to the Research Service administrative office that will confirm presence of an active, approved research or education project, sign the form and forward it to the PVARF.
There is no restriction on how many accounts an investigator may have. A separate account will be opened for each active research project.