Accounting Forms
Accounting Policies & Procedures
- Accounting: Purchases & Expenditures
- Income Statements
- Defraying Printing Costs
- Delinquent Accounts
- PVARF Crowd Funding Policy
- Reporting Improper Activity
- Source & Management of Funds
- Transfer of Funds and/or Equipment
- Travel Policy
- Special Foundation Programs
- Study Closeout
- Conflict of Interest
- Project Approval
- Residual Research & Education Funds Policy
The following information is required from the sub-recipient for the proposal:
- Budget
- Budget justification
- Scope of Work or Specific Aims and Background
Note: A draft of a sub-award budget is required at least two weeks prior to the grant due date and the final signed documents are due five days before the due date.
OHSU Sub-Award Procedures
Investigators who plan to utilize OHSU research services and have funds at the PVARF will need to request a Sub Award. The Sub Award Form is used when there is an external funded sponsored project awarded to PVARF. Instructions and “PVARF/OHSU Sub Award Form” are on the PVARF form website. This mechanism can also be reversed. Investigators need to contact their OHSU department to request an OHSU/PVARF sub-award.
Amendments and close-out
An amendment is required if there is a significant change to the sub-award. A significant change can include but is not limited to the following: a change in key personnel or a change in the effort of key personnel, an increase in the total award amount requested, and/or re-budgeting of the total award amount.
Carry-over on sub-awards may not be automatic. Specific requirements will be determined by with the funding agency.
Progress and final reports will be required. The terms and conditions will be defined in the sub-award agreement.